Creating a manifesto, is quiet difficult.
I wrote about appropriation. Appropriation is the act of using something for one’s own purposes. The way I see appropriation in art is that it acts as a helper to create new art.
I made a simple typography about it. I tied the first line in with the last line to mimic appropriation.

PROJECT 7: Fictitious Artist


In this project I created the artist: MOTO

For this project, I wanted my artist to create massive public art. Since I didn’t want to physically make public art, I took pictures of places and photoshopped MOTO’s art onto them.

With this project I was able to experiment with WordPress for the first time. I made multiple pages to display MOTO’s various projects.

PROJECT 6: Social Media Madlibs

Social Media is something that encompasses our daily lives. We are constantly on a social media platform, whether its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

For this project I wanted to combine Facebook + Madlibs + Famous Quotes. What I did was pick quotes by famous people and I turned them into madlibs. After I would post the mad lib as my status and wait for responses. There were three kinds of responses:
1. Funny/Humorous
2. Thoughtful/deep
3. the exact quote
I thought that this project was extremely fun for me and for most of my friends. It acted as a way to bring something that used to be non-tech savy (Madlibs) and incorporate it into our daily lives.

For the Layout of the website I kept it simple and clean, by tiling the quotes. If you were to click on the quote it would take you to responses I got on Facebook.

PROJECT 5: Gaming Analysis

Horror & Suspense games have been rising in the gaming charts recently, especially the SlenderMan Game.

The Game is a heart-pounding first person game, that has you searching through a dark and creepy forest for pieces of paper with the mysterious SlenderMan at your heels. What I found interesting is the idea of playing a game that would scare oneself. I tried the game first-hand and what enticed me was the curiosity. Curious about what might be out in the forest, what is on these papers I’m intensely looking for, and why Slenderman is after my character.

I kept my website very simple (just like the game). The website consists mostly of black boxes with white font in it. There are three main parts to the website.
An About button, which informs the reader about the myth of Slenderman.
A Game Button, that informs the reader about the game.
Lastly an Analysis Button, which gives my analysis about the game.
For a surprise factor I added little icons all over the website. The icons are of a man, which is supposed to represent slender man, and pop up when the viewer rolls over certain areas.

PROJECT 4: Appropriation

For this project we were required to make a website that appropriately displays an appropriated image.

I decided to find appropriations of an anchor. This happened by chance, while browsing pinterest I stumbled upon two pictures of anchors. Both depicted the image of an “anchor,” but each picture portrayed the anchor in a different way. From here I scoured the internet for different pictures of anchors. I took this pictures of anchors and complied them into a gif.

What I wanted to show in this gif was how the anchor has “evolved” over time. The gif begins with illustrations of an anchor and as the gif progresses it shows different kinds of anchors (tattoos, drawings, cakes, etc.) and there is one picture where it does not resemble the shape of an anchor, but by the context, colors, and way it is made, we still can identify it as an anchor. In the end, I would hope this the viewer will take away the idea of how we identify certain objects and images with certain words and how the use of objects may change over time. For example this anchor originally serves the purpose to keep a ship in one spot, but overtime is becoming more of a decorative piece, which can be seen on clothing, cakes, etc.
I was unable to load the gif to this website so I took a couple of screen shots from my dreamweaver file.

PROJECT 3: Recipe Book

The task for this assignment was to create a recipe book for anything we wanted, under the condition it was not food.

I wanted to take a different approach, away from the average tutorial about how to make something. Instead I made a couple tutorials about how to do tasks that help us stay alive or function on an everyday basis.
The first tutorial I did was how to turn a page.
Second was how to breathe.
Third was how to walk.

These tutorials are mostly illustrations and are simple enough (I think they are) to not need an elaborate written instruction.

PROJECT 2: Hidden Cities

In this project we had to create 20 black and white digital images of cities that we want to see and create a website displaying them.

I took a fictional approach to this and made cities from items that I would see on an every day basis. The concept came from the lifestyle people (humans) live everyday. We in cities, some of them big and some small, but what if we were smaller and had to live in the objects we see. This is how I would imagine they would live.


PROJECT 1: Glitch Art

For this project, I got to experiment with coding. Instead of making an elaborate website or something from scratch, I got to mess and destroy the coding of pictures I found online. At first I was a bit confused about what to do, such as where do I start in this sea of coding. But once I started copying and pasting random chunks of coding in random places it all started to pull together.
The common theme for my glitch art project is altering black and white photos. All of the photos used are black and white pictures of people, places, and objects. What my goal of this project was to take black and white photos and de-construct them into their original form, which is how we see them in real life with color.