PROJECT 4: Appropriation

For this project we were required to make a website that appropriately displays an appropriated image.

I decided to find appropriations of an anchor. This happened by chance, while browsing pinterest I stumbled upon two pictures of anchors. Both depicted the image of an “anchor,” but each picture portrayed the anchor in a different way. From here I scoured the internet for different pictures of anchors. I took this pictures of anchors and complied them into a gif.

What I wanted to show in this gif was how the anchor has “evolved” over time. The gif begins with illustrations of an anchor and as the gif progresses it shows different kinds of anchors (tattoos, drawings, cakes, etc.) and there is one picture where it does not resemble the shape of an anchor, but by the context, colors, and way it is made, we still can identify it as an anchor. In the end, I would hope this the viewer will take away the idea of how we identify certain objects and images with certain words and how the use of objects may change over time. For example this anchor originally serves the purpose to keep a ship in one spot, but overtime is becoming more of a decorative piece, which can be seen on clothing, cakes, etc.
I was unable to load the gif to this website so I took a couple of screen shots from my dreamweaver file.

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